More Information About Giving to Faith Bible Church
Donation methods:
- Online and by Text, these allow the use of:
- Bank routing and account number (ACH is the lowest cost to FBC)
- Credit/debit cards
- Gifts can be made as one time or recurring
- Deposit cash or check in the FBC offering boxes (located in the church foyer and at the back of the sanctuary)
- Mail a check to the FBC office
- Most banks provide a “bill pay” service where your bank mails a check to the church office
- For Qualified Charitable Distribution gifts (from an IRA) or gifts of stock, bonds, grain, etc. see the following notes
- You may designate how your gift should be used by FBC (specific mission/missionary, benevolence, general fund, etc)
- All designations available online have been approved by FBC. All other designations need approval.
Donation of stock, grain, property, or other goods:
- These must be given through the church office. See the bottom of the page for church contact information.
Qualified Charitable Donations (QCD):
- Gifts from an IRA must be given through the FBC office. There are certain requirements for QCDs. Please contact your financial advisor to set up this type of gift.
Tax Eligibility for this year’s taxes:
- The gift must be physically received by FBC by December 31 OR
- The gift must be post marked by December 31 OR
- The online or text gift must be completed on or before December 31
Faith Bible Church is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service Code.